


查询的流程主要在SolrIndexSearch.getDocListC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd),顾名思义该函数对queryResultCache进行处理,并根据查询条件选择进入排序查询还是非排序查询。

1*  /**
  2    * getDocList version that uses+populates query and filter caches.
  3    * In the event of a timeout, the cache is not populated.
  4    */
  5   private void getDocListC(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
  6     DocListAndSet out = new DocListAndSet();
  7     qr.setDocListAndSet(out);
  8     QueryResultKey key=null;
  9     int maxDocRequested = cmd.getOffset() + cmd.getLen(); //当有偏移的查询产生,Solr首先会获取cmd.getOffset()+cmd.getLen()个的doc id然后                                    //再根据偏移量获取子集,所以maxDocRequested是实际的查询个数。
 10     // check for overflow, and check for # docs in index
 11     if (maxDocRequested < 0 || maxDocRequested > maxDoc()) maxDocRequested = maxDoc();// 最多的情况获取所有doc id
 12     int supersetMaxDoc= maxDocRequested;
 13     DocList superset = null;
 15     int flags = cmd.getFlags();
 16     Query q = cmd.getQuery();
 17     if (q instanceof ExtendedQuery) {
 18       ExtendedQuery eq = (ExtendedQuery)q;
 19       if (!eq.getCache()) {
 21       }
 22     }
 25     // we can try and look up the complete query in the cache.
 26     // we can't do that if filter!=null though (we don't want to
 27     // do hashCode() and equals() for a big DocSet).
        // 先从查询结果的缓存区查找是否出现过该条件的查询,若出现过则返回缓存的结果.关于缓存的内容将会独立写一篇文章
 28     if (queryResultCache != null && cmd.getFilter()==null
 30     {
 31         // all of the current flags can be reused during warming,
 32         // so set all of them on the cache key.
 33         key = new QueryResultKey(q, cmd.getFilterList(), cmd.getSort(), flags);
 34         if ((flags & NO_CHECK_QCACHE)==0) {
 35           superset = queryResultCache.get(key);
 37           if (superset != null) {
 38             // check that the cache entry has scores recorded if we need them
 39             if ((flags & GET_SCORES)==0 || superset.hasScores()) {
 40               // NOTE: subset() returns null if the DocList has fewer docs than
 41               // requested
 42               out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(),cmd.getLen()); //如果有缓存,就从中去除一部分子集
 43             }
 44           }
 45           if (out.docList != null) {   
 46             // found the docList in the cache... now check if we need the docset too.
 47             // OPT: possible future optimization - if the doclist contains all the matches,
 48             // use it to make the docset instead of rerunning the query.
 49             if (out.docSet==null && ((flags & GET_DOCSET)!=0) ) {
 50               if (cmd.getFilterList()==null) {
 51                 out.docSet = getDocSet(cmd.getQuery());
 52               } else {  
 53                 List<Query> newList = new ArrayList<>(cmd.getFilterList().size()+1);
 54                 newList.add(cmd.getQuery());
 55                 newList.addAll(cmd.getFilterList());
 56                 out.docSet = getDocSet(newList);
 57               }
 58             }
 59             return;
 60           }
 61         }
 63       // If we are going to generate the result, bump up to the
 64       // next resultWindowSize for better caching.
 65       // 修改supersetMaxDoc为queryResultWindwSize的整数倍
 66       if ((flags & NO_SET_QCACHE) == 0) {
 67         // handle 0 special case as well as avoid idiv in the common case.
 68         if (maxDocRequested < queryResultWindowSize) {
 69           supersetMaxDoc=queryResultWindowSize;
 70         } else {
 71           supersetMaxDoc = ((maxDocRequested -1)/queryResultWindowSize + 1)*queryResultWindowSize;
 72           if (supersetMaxDoc < 0) supersetMaxDoc=maxDocRequested;
 73         }
 74       } else {
 75         key = null;  // we won't be caching the result
 76       }
 77     }
 78     cmd.setSupersetMaxDoc(supersetMaxDoc);
 81     // OK, so now we need to generate an answer.
 82     // One way to do that would be to check if we have an unordered list
 83     // of results for the base query.  If so, we can apply the filters and then
 84     // sort by the resulting set.  This can only be used if:
 85     // - the sort doesn't contain score
 86     // - we don't want score returned.
 88     // check if we should try and use the filter cache
 89     boolean useFilterCache=false;
 90     if ((flags & (GET_SCORES|NO_CHECK_FILTERCACHE))==0 && useFilterForSortedQuery && cmd.getSort() != null && filterCache != null) {
 91       useFilterCache=true;
 92       SortField[] sfields = cmd.getSort().getSort();
 93       for (SortField sf : sfields) {
 94         if (sf.getType() == SortField.Type.SCORE) {
 95           useFilterCache=false;
 96           break;
 97         }
 98       }
 99     }
101     if (useFilterCache) {
102       // now actually use the filter cache.
103       // for large filters that match few documents, this may be
104       // slower than simply re-executing the query.
105       if (out.docSet == null) {
106         out.docSet = getDocSet(cmd.getQuery(),cmd.getFilter());
107         DocSet bigFilt = getDocSet(cmd.getFilterList());
108         if (bigFilt != null) out.docSet = out.docSet.intersection(bigFilt);
109       }
110       // todo: there could be a sortDocSet that could take a list of
111       // the filters instead of anding them first...
112       // perhaps there should be a multi-docset-iterator
113       sortDocSet(qr, cmd);  //排序查询
114     } else {
115       // do it the normal way...
116       if ((flags & GET_DOCSET)!=0) {
117         // this currently conflates returning the docset for the base query vs
118         // the base query and all filters.
119         DocSet qDocSet = getDocListAndSetNC(qr,cmd);
120         // cache the docSet matching the query w/o filtering
121         if (qDocSet!=null && filterCache!=null && !qr.isPartialResults()) filterCache.put(cmd.getQuery(),qDocSet);
122       } else {
123         getDocListNC(qr,cmd); //非排序查询,这也是本文的流程。
124       }
125       assert null != out.docList : "docList is null";
126     }
128     if (null == cmd.getCursorMark()) {
129       // Kludge...
130       // we can't use DocSlice.subset, even though it should be an identity op
131       // because it gets confused by situations where there are lots of matches, but
132       // less docs in the slice then were requested, (due to the cursor)
133       // so we have to short circuit the call.
134       // None of which is really a problem since we can't use caching with
135       // cursors anyway, but it still looks weird to have to special case this
136       // behavior based on this condition - hence the long explanation.
137       superset = out.docList; //根据offset和len截取查询结果
138       out.docList = superset.subset(cmd.getOffset(),cmd.getLen()); 
139     } else {
140       // sanity check our cursor assumptions
141       assert null == superset : "cursor: superset isn't null";
142       assert 0 == cmd.getOffset() : "cursor: command offset mismatch";
143       assert 0 == out.docList.offset() : "cursor: docList offset mismatch";
144       assert cmd.getLen() >= supersetMaxDoc : "cursor: superset len mismatch: " +
145         cmd.getLen() + " vs " + supersetMaxDoc;
146     }
148     // lastly, put the superset in the cache if the size is less than or equal
149     // to queryResultMaxDocsCached
150     if (key != null && superset.size() <= queryResultMaxDocsCached && !qr.isPartialResults()) {
151       queryResultCache.put(key, superset);    //如果结果的个数小于或者等于queryResultMaxDocsCached则将本次查询结果放入缓存
152     }
153   }


 1       final TopDocsCollector topCollector = buildTopDocsCollector(len, cmd); //新建TopDocsCollector对象,里面会新建(offset + len(查询条          //件的len))的HitQueue,每当获取到一个符合查询条件的doc,就会将该doc id放入HitQueue,并totalhit计数加一,这个totalhit变量也就是查询结果的数量
 2       Collector collector = topCollector;
 3       if (terminateEarly) {
 4         collector = new EarlyTerminatingCollector(collector, cmd.len);
 5       }
 6       if( timeAllowed > 0 ) {
 7         collector = new TimeLimitingCollector(collector, TimeLimitingCollector.getGlobalCounter(), timeAllowed); 
           //TimeLimitingCollector的实现原理很简单,从第一个找到符合查询条件的doc id开始计时,在达到timeAllowed之前,会想查询得到的doc id放入HitQue           //ue,一旦timeAllowed到了,就会立即扔出错误,中断后续的查询。这对于我们优化查询是个重要的提示
 8       }
 9       if (pf.postFilter != null) {
10         pf.postFilter.setLastDelegate(collector);
11         collector = pf.postFilter;
12       }
13       try {
           // 进入Lucene的IndexSearch.Search()
14         super.search(query, luceneFilter, collector);
15         if(collector instanceof DelegatingCollector) {
16           ((DelegatingCollector)collector).finish();
17         }
18       }
19       catch( TimeLimitingCollector.TimeExceededException x ) {
20         log.warn( "Query: " + query + "; " + x.getMessage() );
21         qr.setPartialResults(true);
22       }
24       totalHits = topCollector.getTotalHits();           //返回totalhit的结果
25       TopDocs topDocs = topCollector.topDocs(0, len);    //返回优先级队列hitqueue的doc id
26       populateNextCursorMarkFromTopDocs(qr, cmd, topDocs);
28       maxScore = totalHits>0 ? topDocs.getMaxScore() : 0.0f;
29       nDocsReturned = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
30       ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
31       scores = (cmd.getFlags()&GET_SCORES)!=0 ? new float[nDocsReturned] : null;
32       for (int i=0; i<nDocsReturned; i++) {
33         ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i];
34         ids[i] = scoreDoc.doc;
35         if (scores != null) scores[i] = scoreDoc.score;
36       }
   * Calls {@link Collector#collect(int)} on the decorated {@link Collector}
   * unless the allowed time has passed, in which case it throws an exception.
   * @throws TimeExceededException
   *           if the time allowed has exceeded.
  public void collect(final int doc) throws IOException {
    final long time = clock.get();
    if (timeout < time) {
      if (greedy) {
        //System.out.println(this+"  greedy: before failing, collecting doc: "+(docBase + doc)+"  "+(time-t0));
      //System.out.println(this+"  failing on:  "+(docBase + doc)+"  "+(time-t0));
      throw new TimeExceededException( timeout-t0, time-t0, docBase + doc );   
    //System.out.println(this+"  collecting: "+(docBase + doc)+"  "+(time-t0));


1、 首先会为每一个查询条件新建一个Weight的对象,最后将所有Weight对象放入ArrayListweights该过程给出每个查询条件的权重,并用于后续的评分过程;

 1     public BooleanWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, boolean disableCoord)
 2       throws IOException {
 3       this.similarity = searcher.getSimilarity();
 4       this.disableCoord = disableCoord;
 5       weights = new ArrayList<>(clauses.size());
 6       for (int i = 0 ; i < clauses.size(); i++) {
 7         BooleanClause c = clauses.get(i);
 8         Weight w = c.getQuery().createWeight(searcher);
 9         weights.add(w);
10         if (!c.isProhibited()) {
11           maxCoord++;
12         }
13       }
14     }

2、 遍历所有sgement,一个接一个的查找符合查询条件的docidAtomicReaderContext是包含segment的具体信息,包括docbase,numdocs,这些信息室非常有用的,在实现查询优化时候很有帮助这里需要注意的是这个collector是TopDocsCollector类型的对象,这在上面的代码中已经赋值过了;

 1 /**
 2    * Lower-level search API.
 3    * 
 4    * <p>
 5    * {@link Collector#collect(int)} is called for every document. <br>
 6    * 
 7    * <p>
 8    * NOTE: this method executes the searches on all given leaves exclusively.
 9    * To search across all the searchers leaves use {@link #leafContexts}.
10    * 
11    * @param leaves 
12    *          the searchers leaves to execute the searches on
13    * @param weight
14    *          to match documents
15    * @param collector
16    *          to receive hits
17    * @throws BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses If a query would exceed 
18    *         {@link BooleanQuery#getMaxClauseCount()} clauses.
19    */
20   protected void search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, Collector collector)
21       throws IOException {
23     // TODO: should we make this
24     // threaded...?  the Collector could be sync'd?
25     // always use single thread:
26     for (AtomicReaderContext ctx : leaves) { // search each subreader
27       try {
28         collector.setNextReader(ctx);
29       } catch (CollectionTerminatedException e) {
30         // there is no doc of interest in this reader context
31         // continue with the following leaf
32         continue;
33       }
34       BulkScorer scorer = weight.bulkScorer(ctx, !collector.acceptsDocsOutOfOrder(), ctx.reader().getLiveDocs());
35       if (scorer != null) {
36         try {
37           scorer.score(collector);
38         } catch (CollectionTerminatedException e) {
39           // collection was terminated prematurely
40           // continue with the following leaf
41         }
42       }
43     }
44   }

3、 Weight.bulkScorer对查询条件进行评分,Lucene的多条件查询优化还是写的很不错的Lucece会根据每个查询条件的词频对查询条件进行排序,词频小的排在前面,词频大的排在后面这大大优化了多条件的查询多条件查询的优化会在下文中详细介绍;

4、 最后Lucene会使用scorer.score(collector)这个过程真正的进行查询看下Weight的两个函数,就能明白Lucene怎么进行查询统计;

 1  @Override
 2     public boolean score(Collector collector, int max) throws IOException {
 3       // TODO: this may be sort of weird, when we are
 4       // embedded in a BooleanScorer, because we are
 5       // called for every chunk of 2048 documents.  But,
 6       // then, scorer is a FakeScorer in that case, so any
 7       // Collector doing something "interesting" in
 8       // setScorer will be forced to use BS2 anyways:
 9       collector.setScorer(scorer);
10       if (max == DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
11         scoreAll(collector, scorer);
12         return false;
13       } else {
14         int doc = scorer.docID();
15         if (doc < 0) {
16           doc = scorer.nextDoc();
17         }
18         return scoreRange(collector, scorer, doc, max);
19       }
20     }

Lucece会不停的从segment获取符合查询条件的doc,并放入collector的hitqueue里面。需要注意的是这里的collector是Collector类型,是TopDocsCollector等类的父类,所以scoreAll不仅能实现获取TopDocsCollector的doc is也能获取其他查询方式的doc id。

1     static void scoreAll(Collector collector, Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
2       int doc;
3       while ((doc = scorer.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) {
4         collector.collect(doc);
5       }
6     }

进入collector.collect(doc)查看TopDocsCollector的统计doc id的方式,就跟之前说的一样。

 1     @Override
 2     public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
 3       float score = scorer.score();
 5       // This collector cannot handle these scores:
 6       assert score != Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
 7       assert !Float.isNaN(score);
 9       totalHits++;
10       if (score <= pqTop.score) {
11         // Since docs are returned in-order (i.e., increasing doc Id), a document
12         // with equal score to pqTop.score cannot compete since HitQueue favors
13         // documents with lower doc Ids. Therefore reject those docs too.
14         return;
15       }
16       pqTop.doc = doc + docBase;
17       pqTop.score = score;
18       pqTop = pq.updateTop();
19     }
总结:本章详细的介绍了非排序查询的流程,主要涉及了以下几个类QueryComponent,SolrIndexSearch,TimeLimitingCollector,TopDocsCollector,IndexSearch,BulkScore,Weight. 篇幅原因,并没有将如何从segment里面获取doc id以及多条件查询是怎么实现的,这将是下一问多条件查询中详细介绍。

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